
Thursday, February 24, 2005

Estonian TV Commercials 

I imagine most of our readers have already been confounded by these insane Estonian commercials, especially this particularly disturbing one about meat and this nearly indecent one that appears to be about ice cream. Thanks to some guy named Stevenf for the link.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Happy Birthday to Lorenzo 

Hope it's a good one!

Friday, February 18, 2005


A strip club in Boise has come up with an interesting way of circumventing a municipal anti-nudity law that seems to be modeled on the Supreme Court's famous Miller test for obscenity.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Layout Problem 

Does anyone else think it's strange that the Democratic National Committee's splash page appears to introduce new DNC Chairman Howard Dean as an attractive young black woman? Plus, what's with the grainy, jaggy .gif signature? OK, I'm going to bed.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Moral Values? 

Just when you thought the Jeff Gannon story couldn't get any weirder, John Aravosis over at Americablog suggests that Gannon, in addition to being a fake reporter with access to classified documents on the Valerie Plame affair and a pitcher of softball questions to the president on behalf of the GOP, was also a gay prostitute.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.... But in addition to the photo links (not safe for work), we here at POA particularly enjoyed Aravosis' conclusion to the posting:

This is the Conservative Republican Bush White House we're talking about. It's looking increasingly like they made a decision to allow a hooker to ask the President of the United States questions. They made a decision to give a man with an alias and no journalistic experience access to the West Wing of the White House on a "daily basis." They reportedly made a decision to give him - one of only six - access to documents, or information in those documents, that exposed a clandestine CIA operative. Say what you will about Monika Lewinsky - a tasteless episode, "inappropriate," whatever. Monika wasn't a gay prostitute running around the West Wing. What kind of leadership would let prostitutes roam the halls of the West Wing?

Thing is, Bush seems to be "untouchable" on such issues, for some reason that remains mysterious to me. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that even if Bush himself were caught actually having sex with a gay male prostitute in the Oval Office, his loyal party brethren would be quick to characterize the episode as an admirable example of economic, er, stimulation, as well as a return to the classical values of the ancient Greeks.

UPDATE: The Washington Post has a nice round-up here. Thanks to Barrucca and Lorenzo for the tips.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

What's in a Name? 

I just love this headline. The school's web site fudges the name, calling it "GDA," or "what is now called Governor Dummer Academy." Personally, I prefer "the academy formerly known as Dummer."

Friday, February 04, 2005

Funeral Defense Gear 

Here is a picture of a flamethrowing hearse. Just because.

Spatula City! 

Fans of the movie UHF, as well as spatula fanatics in general, will be pleased to know that they can send virtual spatulae to each other using Spatula City's user-friendly spatula interface.

Knitting is Complex and Dangerous 

CBS News reports that knitting isn't just for girls. As further evidence of this, I refer our readers to Yossel's Toessels, a glorious web site dedicated to one male knitter's fantastic headwear designs. Be sure not to miss the models.

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